14 February 2013

Baby love

I'd like to introduce you all to my baby nephew, Tyler.  He was born on Thursday 7th February 2013 weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces and screaming his little lungs out! I'm completely besotted and cannot get enough of this little man! Max, on the other hand, isn't particularly pleased about being overshadowed.....

As you can imagine with them living only ten minutes from us, we've spent quite a lot of time this week visiting - so far I've managed to avoid nappy changes in favour of cuddles, although I've been told they'll be coming shortly!  I don't mind though - I'm such a proud auntie that I'll do any of it at the moment! ♥


  1. Aww congratulations, what a little cutie. Being an auntie is the best, you can always give them back :) x


    1. Definitely - I get all the benefits and none of the sleepless nights :) x

  2. Congratulations! Is Max yours? We have a 4yr old Springer called Fynn - my best friend! x

    1. Thanks! Max is my boyfriend's parents dog but we have him stay with us whenever they're away - I've adopted him as my own! I'm trying to persuade Danny that we should get one of our own but it's not working yet.... x


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